SimpleIC v0.9.3.4 FS19

SimpleIC v0.9.3.4 FS19
Version v0.9.3.4
New Interactive Control Script for FS19
the most important thing:
How do I test this?
download and add to modfolder
download my Agrostar 6.61 Edit I released for christmas, it already has simpleIC added.
What this is:
This is a new take on the well known Interactive Control Scripts in Farming Simulator.
Since there hasn’t been a well-working bug-free version of the old scripts in FS19, and since I always didn’t like the way the Mouse is used, I created this alternative.
This is a global script, which means that it doesn’t have to be added to each Mod seperately, no additional modDesc.xml changes like l10n Texts etc. neccessary.
Obviously the vehicle-xml and i3d still has to be edited, the script can’t magically seperate doors and add trigger-points.
But as soon as the needed lines are added, IC will be active as long as you have this mod active.
this also means that people who don’t like IC don’t have to remove it all vehicle-mods, just not activate this mod.
this also means that there’s only one IC version and not 50 different ones that get into conflict with each other
updates to IC are global and useable in all mods
Now for the bad parts
still Beta
still Bugs
not even close to the amount of features the original IC Script had in FS17. (But I’m working on that)
How to add this to my Mod:
I will create videos explaining the process of adding simpleIC to your vehicle.
If you already know modding well, here’s a short explanation: (look at the linked Deutz Agrostar above to see the full XML lines)
outsideInteractionTrigger = playerTrigger in which the player can open doors and other outside-stuff from the outside animationName = name of the animation for the door animationSpeed = speed of the animation (obvious) shared animation = not added yet soundVolumeIncreasePercentage = by how much will the sound-volume increase if that door is opened.
Values will be added together for more than one door, max is outdoorSoundVolume insideTrigger and outsideTrigger = “Triggerpoints” e.g. transformGroups that mark the spot where the IC component can be clicked triggerPoint = index / i3dMapping name for the transformGroup triggerPointSize = size/radius around the triggerPoint where it still registeres as being clicked
This mod wont get past the loading screen. It looks like it is going to load, the loading wheel is spinning, but it just stays on that screen.
Me too..